First I want to say to you guys who read comic books and like to read reviews to see if they kept to the comic book when they made the movie. I don’t know and this is not the review for you. I have not read a lot of the DC comics I am more of a Marvel girl. I have no clue if they kept with the comic books or not I just kind of know the character summaries my husband has told me.


I will put my reviews into two categories parental controls and plot review.

  1. ACTION/VIOLENCE/GORE: Well it’s a super hero movie so there is action of course. Something I appreciate about the DC comic movies is that they have decided to stay away from R rated movies and don’t put a lot of gore in the movies. I didn’t see any parts that made me jump or cover my eyes or anything. I think the main concern parents with small children would be the violence because of what happens but not so much that it is vivid. I don’t know how to explain it without giving away the movie but there aren’t any super gory parts unsuitable for kids but there is death and that can be upsetting for little ones. I can see why it has a PG-13 rating is all I will say.

  2. LANGUAGE: The F word is used in this movie but not gratuitously. I was very surprised seeing as in the comic book Harley Quinn liked to use that word. The other less offensive cuss words (in my opinion) are used but no more than you would expect with a PG-13 movie and with criminals. I would say if you stopped your kids from seeing this movie it would probably be for the cussing and innuendos then for the violence. P***y is used more than I would like.

  3. NUDITY/ROMANCE/SEX: Partial Nudity. I mean its Harley Quinn come on. Not as much as you would think Hollywood would try to put it so I again thank DC comics. Not a lot of guys would thank them but they can get over it. There is romance and sex is implied but never seen. A lot of innuendos. They kept it pretty PG-13 though. I do not feel they objectified Harley Quinn

  4. DRUG USE/ALCHOHOL: Smoking and the mention of drugs.



I fell they did a pretty good job. I am not as familiar with the DC comics as I am with Marvel so I do not know how well they kept with the comic books but I feel they were very good at providing back stories for the characters without taking up the entire movie. The flow between action and narration was very well laid out I feel. I got confused about a few parts but that was mainly because I didn’t know about the comic books as well as my husband did. There were a few jokes I feel that were meant to be funny but not everyone understood them. It was another movie that kept you on the edge of your seat. It did not get the point where you could predict things like some action movies get. I really liked it. I would give it 4 out of 5 stars not because the movie wasn’t good but because I feel they could have done better with the humor part. Enjoy the movie!!


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