First I want to say to you guys who read comic books and like to read reviews to see if they kept to the comic book when they made the movie. I don’t know and this is not the review for you. I have not read a lot of the DC comics I am more of a Marvel girl. I have no clue if they kept with the comic books or not I just kind of know the character summaries my husband has told me.


I will put my reviews into two categories parental controls and plot review.

  1. ACTION/VIOLENCE/GORE: Well it’s a super hero movie so there is action of course. Something I appreciate about the DC comic movies is that they have decided to stay away from R rated movies and don’t put a lot of gore in the movies. I didn’t see any parts that made me jump or cover my eyes or anything. I think the main concern parents with small children would be the violence because of what happens but not so much that it is vivid. I don’t know how to explain it without giving away the movie but there aren’t any super gory parts unsuitable for kids but there is death and that can be upsetting for little ones. I can see why it has a PG-13 rating is all I will say.

  2. LANGUAGE: The F word is used in this movie but not gratuitously. I was very surprised seeing as in the comic book Harley Quinn liked to use that word. The other less offensive cuss words (in my opinion) are used but no more than you would expect with a PG-13 movie and with criminals. I would say if you stopped your kids from seeing this movie it would probably be for the cussing and innuendos then for the violence. P***y is used more than I would like.

  3. NUDITY/ROMANCE/SEX: Partial Nudity. I mean its Harley Quinn come on. Not as much as you would think Hollywood would try to put it so I again thank DC comics. Not a lot of guys would thank them but they can get over it. There is romance and sex is implied but never seen. A lot of innuendos. They kept it pretty PG-13 though. I do not feel they objectified Harley Quinn

  4. DRUG USE/ALCHOHOL: Smoking and the mention of drugs.



I fell they did a pretty good job. I am not as familiar with the DC comics as I am with Marvel so I do not know how well they kept with the comic books but I feel they were very good at providing back stories for the characters without taking up the entire movie. The flow between action and narration was very well laid out I feel. I got confused about a few parts but that was mainly because I didn’t know about the comic books as well as my husband did. There were a few jokes I feel that were meant to be funny but not everyone understood them. It was another movie that kept you on the edge of your seat. It did not get the point where you could predict things like some action movies get. I really liked it. I would give it 4 out of 5 stars not because the movie wasn’t good but because I feel they could have done better with the humor part. Enjoy the movie!!



When I met my husband I was 12 and I did not know about FOP. Seeing as it is the 5th rarest genetic disorder in the world there are a lot of people who don’t know about it. Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva is a rare genetic disease. The easiest way to explain it is to say that it causes the body to create more bone then it is supposed to. There is a lot more to it than that however. The body can create the extra bone without notice, but another thing that can cause bone growth is when the muscles, ligaments, and joints get bruised or damage they create bone as well. They also call it the living statue disease because it can cause you to become trapped inside your own body as your limbs ossify. 1 in 2 million people are born with the disease. It is a genetic disorder that you are born with. The gene is recessive but if you are born with the disease the gene becomes dominant and your children have a 50% chance of being born with it. This is the easiest way I can explain it to you before I continue with my blog.

 My husband was the only child in his family to have the disease. When he and I got married we talked a few times about the concept of having children. We knew there was a possibility but we also had faith that Heavenly Father had a plan for us. 4 years after we got married we moved back to Texas and found out we were pregnant. Our first reaction was joy because we always wanted children, but after that we also felt a little bit of worry and fear. Although my husband has been luckier than other cases we knew that having FOP is not easy for anyone and that there was a big possibility that our little girl was going to inherit his disease.

Our doctor referred us to a specialist to see if there was any sign that Caroline had the disease. We did not want to know enough to put her life in danger and get an amnio done but every child with FOP is born with bilateral hallux valgus which is a deformity in the big toe. So we decided that every so often we would have an ultrasound done to check on Caroline’s health and see if we could get a look at her feet.

Now little Caroline is a kicker so when they would try to take a look at her feet she would kick and kick and kick the ultrasound wand when they would try to get close. We had 2 3d ultrasounds done and multiple regular ultrasounds done where we would glance at the feet and every doctor that looked at the ultrasound said they didn’t see anything different. YEAH! We thought. We felt relief because as much as we would love her either way we were hoping she could have an easier life.

Then January 16th came and my water broke at 3 am. 11 fun filled hours later, anyone who has had babies knows what I mean by “fun filled”, our little angel was born at 230pm. As I held her and they whipped her off I thought I saw something different with her feet but I was so out of it and I had only seen the toes on my husband I just shrugged it off to nothing different. Then I heard the others in the room talking about her feet but they assured me we didn’t know yet and we would really need to look. I think we all new then but we wanted to keep our hopes up. She had the toes.

Within a month we sent blood samples to Dr. Kaplan who confirmed that Caroline held the gene and all of our lives changed. Suddenly we had to think about what we can do to help this baby. So far we have ordered her a helmet and have an appointment for an audiologist. The main thing we know is that we love our Caroline and she is our main priority.

Movie Review: Jason Bourne

First off I’d like to explain this part of my blog. One of the passions I love is watching movies. I love seeing the creative ways that writers entertain us. I also feel that there are some movies that are not fit for everyone so I would like to put my two cents in as you say and inform people on whether a movie is fit for their needs. With that said I will continue with my review of Jason Bourne.

  1. ACTION/VIOLENCE/GORE: Plenty of action/violence in it if you ask me. Now I say there is a lot of violence and action, but not a lot of gore. I for one am not a gore loving person so I am thankful for that. If you are someone who likes to seeing heads explode and slow motion blood spatter like you see in other movies this is not the movie for you. You do see blood and violence but not gratuitously. I wouldn’t recomend the movie for someone under the age of 13 but you don’t need a super strong stomach to watch this movie either.
  2. LANGUAGE: Something I love about the Bourne movies is that they don’t feel the need to have to put a lot of F bombs and foul language in to make a good action movie. There are a few uses of the s word and son of a b word. The lords name is used in vein by the bad guy. H-E-double hockey sticks is also in the movie. It really just goes to your personal values if the language will bug you. There are no uses of the F bomb or the N word which are the two that bug me the most. All in all I did not feel the language was too bad unlike other action movies that are made now.
  4. DRUG USE/ALCHOHOL: none. I don’t even remember seeing someone smoke a cigarette.

Those were my own personal opinions on the parental controls. Another places you can find parental controls for movies is on IMDB.  This is just my view of them.

As far as plot lines go I was very pleased. I feel they were very good at transitioning from action to dialogue. I for one get disappointed when they have a half an hour fight scene but there is no talking or explaining what is going on but that was not the case in this movie. If you are an action movie fan but want a good story line it is my humble opinion you will be pleased with this movie. I won’t get too in depth as to not make the mistake of spoiling the movie (again) but they do answer a lot of questions I have had about Jason Bourne and who he is as a person. It also keeps you on the edge of your seat a few times.


My Baby was a Baby

When I was 8 weeks pregnant I saw my little girl for the first time. The doctor pointed out her tiny little heartbeat. We all smiled with glee. But there are people telling me she didnt have rights.

At 13 weeks we announced we were pregnant!! All of our friends and family celebrated with us and told us congratulations! Still Caroline didnt have rights.

I cant attach the video but at 15 weeks we got a test done that told us our baby was going to be a girl and we surprised my mother and my mother-in-law with girl onesies! Still Caroline didnt have rights.

At 16 weeks the doctor checked her heartbeat again during an ultrasound. 135 beats per minute. A perfectly healthy beat. Caroline still didnt have rights.

My little Caroline from my 23 week appointment. It almost looked like she was waving at the camera. You can see her nose and mouth. Still no rights though.

This is a picture of my lil Caroline when I was 8 months pregnant. There are people out there that will tell you because I hadn’t given birth yet she still doesn’t have any rights, she isnt a person, and she doesnt matter. They are wrong.

As I laid down in my room and they put the cold gel on my stomach then started to push the wand around my stomach, Caroline kicked it.

Why? You ask.

She felt it. Can a nonliving being feel things? Can a non-living being push against something that is annoying it?

This is my little baby not even 24 hours old. Look familiar? If you compare the previous  picture and this one they look just a like. The only difference is one was a picture from inside me. She still had a heartbeat. She still reacted to people touching my stomach. She still kept me up late with her arobics. Yet people are going to try to tell me she didnt have rights and wasnt technically a person till this last picture.

Should I not of loved her before now? Are women all over the world waisting there time getting prenatal care because their baby didnt matter till it took its first breath! No wait thats right you do need prenatal care because if you have an ultrasound that tells you there is something wrong with your baby you need to have an option to get rid of it before your stuck with it.

With both my little brothers my Mother was told that they had a lot of cist on their brains so they would probably die shortly after birth or have mental issues so she should do a very risky procedure to test and make sure. My mother refused. My 16 year old brother tested in the top 10% on his practice ACT, is a gymnist, and a cheerleader. My 10 year old brother is one of the smartest kids in his class. Test don’t tell you everything. What told my mother that test wasnt worth the risk was the heartbeats she saw and the kicks she felt. A baby is a baby no matter if its day one gestation or the day of its birth!

More importantly my baby was a baby. I loved her the moment I saw the test turn positive.

Thanks for reading.



Why I am Pro Life

I continue to hear people’s argument that are “pro choice”. There is only one argument I agree with towards that argument. “A woman should not be forced to raise a child she does not want or is not qualified to raise.” YES! I AGREE! But not in the way you think. A woman shouldn’t be forced to take care of child that she is not ready for but abortion is not the option I believe you should choose. I believe that a baby is a baby whether it’s day one in gestation, 32 weeks gestation or 9 months old! The other option and the best option I believe if you do not want the baby you are growing inside of you is ADOPTION! There are thousands of mothers that are unable to have biological children of their own that would love to adopt a baby. Even the babies who you know will be born with a birth defect. There is a mother out there that wants to love that baby. Adoption is not something to be ashamed of and is a terrific option to pick! I know some of you will say giving your child away is easier said then done so I want to share my story. I know it won’t save every child but I can hope that it will help women learn there are better options.

I graduated high school in 2007. I was a very irresponsible child who barely passed her classes. I had a boyfriend I had been dating for a few months. I was made fun of and called ugly all throughout high school so finding someone who said he loved me and wanted to be with me helped get rid of the loneliness I was plagued with. Shortly into our relationship we became sexually active. I again was irresponsible and did not use very good birth control. Within two months of my graduation I found out I was pregnant. My boyfriend at the time was very pleased. I feel he felt it was his way of assuring our future and proceeded to propose marriage. At first I was also pleased but also scared to death but looked forward to becoming a wife and a mother. My mother was not as pleased seeing as I was still living at home and only had a temporary job. She worried that I was not going to be able to handle the responsibilities. I just thought she was silly because I was lucky with a guy who was willing to take responsibility and get married.

Then things changed…

My mom was active in my church again and encouraged me to attend with her so that my child could know the gospel. She also wanted my boyfriend or I guess my fiancé to make better decisions for the child’s sake. I remember that Sunday. My mother insisted I talk to the bishop and tell him about everything that was going on. I remember sitting outside of his office and feeling so nervous about having to talk to him about the fact that I was promiscuous and pregnant. My mom had talked to him first so I was surprised when I sat down in front of him and he asked me what I had been up to. I’m not one to beat around the bush so I told him about my situation. I said I was ready to go back to church and was pregnant. He asked me what my plans were. I told him that my boyfriend and I were going to get married. He told me that the church was against abortion. I agreed with that stance. Then he told me when a couple gets pregnant out of wedlock the church encourages two things. Either the couple gets married so that the baby has a family or if the couple doesn’t want to get married, adoption is a good option to look into. I shook it off at first because my boyfriend and I had chosen the first option but adoption wasn’t something I had thought about. I had always felt adoption was an option for women who were alone or for young girls who  were still in high school. It’s funny how things can change so quickly.

After my meeting I prayed to Heavenly Father for strength to stay active and help lead my boyfriend to the church so that we could get married and sealed in the temple. When I told my boyfriend I would really like to start going back to church so that I can make good decisions for the baby. He agreed at first and it seemed like everything was going to be okay. My boyfriend then learned part of what I wanted to do to be active in church was obey the rules which meant we were no longer going to be promiscuous. He was not pleased. He would want to have long make out sessions and when I would want to stop because I knew where that would lead he would get irritated. The stress of our disagreements on the plans for the baby lead me to feel very confused not as confident in our future together. I started to be afraid to talk to him about things because it would always to lead to a screaming fight which made me very nervous. I ended up calling him to tell him I needed some space and time to think because I was afraid to do it in person.After he yelled at me and cursed at me multiple times decided I had made the right decision.

After the break up I started to think about how I would raise the child on my own. I had very bad grades as a child so I would have to go to a community college if I wanted to get a degree to find a good job. My mom made too much for me to get a lot of financial aide and I didn’t know too much about scholarships that I would qualify for. I also thought about my baby. I know there are many women who are single mothers and get along fine but was it something I wanted for my child. I went to high school with many kids that were from broken homes, myself included, and I thought about the kids usually had one parent they barely ever saw if they did see them. The parents usually did not have the best things to say about each other and again even though the kids lived through it and were fine I felt that it was not a choice that a child would make for themselves. I eventually told my mother I was thinking about adoption.

I prayed that night and I received my answer from my Heavenly Father I believe. When I asked if adoption was the right decision all the anxiety I had been having about the baby turned to peace and understanding. I knew what my decision was. So I went and told my bishop and he got me in contact with LDS family services.

Picking out a couple that you will be giving such a big gift too on a website can feel weird at first. All you know about the people you are looking at is what they put on their application and a picture that they post. A lady I knew from church told me about a couple she knew that was on the website so I looked them up first and contacted them to see if I felt right about them. Shortly later I got an email from them saying they had a mother back out last minute on them recently and were not ready to look into adoption at the moment. I was a little discouraged after that and took a few weeks to look through the the applications again. The criteria I was looking for was for, people who could not have kids of their own, and who loved animals because I feel everyone should get to have a pet sometime in their life. A silly criteria I know but picking parents for your child can be a hard burden to bare so filtering through applications you need to pick what you want. There was another couple I found that I had seen before I went for the couple who turned me down. I got email back from them telling me that they were pregnant but would love to talk to me if I wanted to. Something didn’t feel right though so I continued to look and then I noticed them. Throughout all the filters I kept going through this couples picture kept popping up. They seemed like a lovely couple and their application stood out from the rest so I contacted them. I got email back saying they wanted to pray about it and get to know me first. Although some people might feel hesitant I felt that I needed to keep talking to them. I prayed about them that night and I felt that I had found who I was looking for. They took a few days to make a decision but I knew I just need to be patient.

Then I got the email. They told me they had prayed about it as well and felt they would like to continue with the process if I still wanted to. As I read the email I felt the feeling of peace again. We decided to meet at my 5 month ultrasound when they were going to tell me the sex of the baby.

LONGEST MONTH OF MY LIFE. Not really but it did feel like forever. I remember I was running late that day but don’t remember why. My mom called and told me they were there  and that she was talking with them. I remember walking down the hall to the radiology department with knots in my stomach and not just from the baby kicking it. The first time I saw them was a surreal experience. I was nervous, excited, and scared all at the same time. I could tell they were also nervous. There isn’t a manual to tell you how to talk to the woman who is carrying the child you want to adopt. When we got into the room with the ultrasound machine we had to kind of squeeze in. The ultrasound tech asked us if we wanted to know the sex of the child  and there was a unanimous “yes”. We found out quickly she was a girl. Lynsey told us the name she wanted was Zannah. One of the first times I knew I had picked the right couple was the look on their faces when they saw their little girl on the monitor. After the ultrasound they needed to head back to Austin for his work and we agreed to email and they said they would try to  visit again before I gave birth.

The biological father was not as onboard with doing adoption. The conversations we had usually consisted of him calling me selfish and a bad mother who was abandoning my child. Before they would let me continue the adoption process they sent a currier to his house to ask him to sign papers giving up his rights. They told me he was saying at first that he did not want to sign the papers so they showed him what the normal cost child support was  and that if he stopped the adoption process I was not going to give up rights so it would be joint custody so he decided to sign the papers.

Leading up to the day I gave birth I did a lot of praying. I had a lot of people not just the father telling me I was making a mistake and that I was going to regret it. I say this not to scare girls going through the same thing but to encourage them to pray and to keep in contact with positive support systems while going through the process because not everyone thinks it’s a good decision. I still kept faith and knew I was making the right decision. My mother was a major support system for me a long with a woman from church who would talk to the couple through emails as well. The couple would tell me how excited they were and tell me how grateful they were. One of the best things they told me about was how they had told their family about the baby. They did it during Thanksgiving dinner. When the family went around the table saying what they were thankful for they told their family they were thankful for Peggy and the baby she was giving them. I cried when they told me.

I will be honest I continued to be afraid that I might change my mind. I mean I would pray about it and would feel peace but there was always this thought in the back of my head that I might feel different when I saw the baby.

I was induced in March of 2008. I got induced so that they could be in the room when Zannah was born. I felt that it wasn’t fair that a lot of parents don’t get to see their children’s come into the world so I wanted to give them the chance to be there. Labor was painful. I kept feeling my body push the baby and when the doctor got there I was very anxious to push.

The moment I knew I had made the right decision was a few moments after Zannah was born. I looked at Zannah and then I looked at Lynsey. I saw the smile on her face when she cut the cord and I saw the look in her eyes when she was handed Zannah. That’s when I knew I was looking at Zannah’s mother.

Eight years have passed since then but I still get a Christmas card from Zannah and her parents every year. She now has three younger siblings all from adoption. Two from embryo adoption. When Zannah was five they came down to visit me and meet my husband. Lynsey was pregnant with their first baby they adopted through embryo adoption  and they had Zannah’s little brother Max. Zannah was super excited to meet me and knew who I was. She tells people she grew in my belly instead of her mommy’s belly. I had a lot of people ask me if it was hard for me to see her. With all the love I have for Zannah it felt more like family coming to visit.  I loved these people more then I can express in words but Zannah is their daughter and I know it was always meant to be that way. We spent Thanksgiving with them a few years ago as well and met their family. It was an amazing experience and Zannah and Max were very smitten with my husband.

An unplanned pregnancy is never an easy experience. Whether you are ready for a child or not there are a lot of decisions to make and no one can tell you what decision to make. You are the one that needs to make the decision I just want people to know there are options and there are families that are ready for a baby even if you aren’t.




Hello My name is Peggy. I am a wife and mother. I am very passionate about my faith and my family. I met my husband when I was 12 years old at church he is a year older than I am. At first I was shy to say hello to him. He was noticeably physically disabled and like many people I was ignorant and assumed his physical disabilities came with mental disabilities and I didn’t know how to act. I of course learned quickly how wrong I was. My husband was actually very smart and friendly and within a couple of months we started calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend. Unfortunately I was young and not mature enough for a long-term relationship especially with someone I only saw at church on Sunday. My family became inactive shortly after and I eventually lost contact with Cody.
Fast forward to around April 2010
I was living with a guy who needless to say was NOT the one. I got a friend request from an old friend. Cody had gotten home from his mission a few months before and wanted to say hello. A week later we met for lunch. What I didn’t know was he had not told his girlfriend at the time so I had to talk to his girlfriend and tell her that I was in a long-term relationship and was living with someone so there was nothing to worry about. About a month later I found half-naked photos on my boyfriend at the times phone which led to our breakup. I did not cope well with that breakup and started to work on self discovery. Cody was a good friend to me and helped in courage me to come back to church. Cody and his significant other also broke up around this time as well not because of our friendship I should mention. As I was coming back to church I also would hang out with Cody a lot. We would most of the time go and see movies which I love then go back to his house where he lived with his parents and socialize with his family.
I felt things were changing between Cody and I but I didn’t know for sure if I wanted to pursue a relationship with him just yet because I knew and our age a relationship would not be puppy love it would be serious. To be honest the time I realized I wanted to date Cody was when I was stood up by someone else. I was really irritated and the only person I felt I wanted to talk to about it was Cody and realized it was because he was my best friend so I went over to his house to watch movies. When he walked me to my car we talked for a while and it was apparent to me that our friendship had gotten serious. We shared a kiss that night before I went home.
A week before Christmas in 2010 my husband purposed to me on one knee in front of a white Christmas tree with my ring on an ornament in his living room. It was one of the greatest moments in my life. We were married in the Dallas Texas temple in May of 2010. Our first child was born in January 2016.
I tell you this story because I have had people tell me not to marry my husband and not to have his children because he has FOP(Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva) it is a rare disease that causes my husband’s body to grow more bone then it should. My daughter inherited the disease from her father. I can tell you, however, I have spent many nights praying asking Heavenly Father for guidance and he continues to assure me that I have the family I was meant to have and I am very grateful for both of them.